About the Facility

A space built to inspire, connect, and grow.
Your community hub for activities, services, and support.

The PRCC offers various recreational, educational, cultural, social and technology-related opportunities as well as space for individuals, local community groups and other organizations to gather.

The Prospect Road Community Centre is conveniently located 15 minutes from Central Halifax.  The Centre boasts bright and airy spaces, a warm and welcoming atmosphere and ample parking for large events, complete with overflow parking access and a safe route back to our entrance.  The building is operated by the local, nonprofit community development association, The Resource Opportunities Centre, via lease agreement with the Halifax Regional Municipality.

The building offers many spaces to accommodate your every need, including licensed kitchen, meeting spaces, multipurpose room with optional bar rental, gymnasium, art room,  fitness centre with both cardio and weights, and changing facilities complete with locker and shower access.

The PRCC offers various recreational, educational, cultural, social and technology-related opportunities as well as space for individuals, local community groups and other organizations to gather.